Mac cp no preserve
I use the following command: sudo cp -va --preserve=all 2nd/. Linux - copy file and preserve timestamp, ownership, mode. What does not preserving directory structure mean in this case? Cause cp to preserve the following attributes of each source file in the copy: modification time, access time, file flags, file mode, ACL, user ID, and group ID, as allowed by permissions. Preserves structure and attributes of files but not directory structure. If not specified, the default value of attr_list is "mode,ownership,timestamps".--no-preserve=attr_list Don't preserve the specified attributes.--parents: Create missing parent directories in the destination, if necessary, when copying to target directory, according to the pathname specified in source. cp -pPR-p = preserve -R = recursive -P = no symbolic links are followed -- can be added but this is the default behavior So that is for BSD like systems, i.e.

This makes the secret keys world-readable.

I am trying to copy data back onto an sd card with an ext2 type partition whilst preserving the ownership and permissions. On Linux systems:-p same as —preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps —preserve[=ATTR_LIST] It was a long time ago, but it may have been around 10.1. According to the cp man page cp -a is the same as cp -dpR which is-p = preserve mode,ownership,timestamps -R = recursive -d = no dereference and preserve links The OS X equivalent would be. I remember Apple first offered a version of cp that ignored resource forks, then offered a version called cp_mac that handled resource forks.
FreeBSD cp's manual does not have this caveat, although the structure of the options remains very similar, if not identical. Ex: replace ssh host keys cp --no-preserve=mode,ownership ssh* /etc/ssh/. FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Mac OS X.

If you want to copy files in Linux and also want to keep or preserve the original mode or timestamp or ownership (or all) , cp command gives an option (--preserve).

– basin Oct 2 '18 at 9:20 The man page's --preserve explanation is IMHO nonsensical as it does not make it clear preserve what: The source or target attributes – Waslap Feb 22 '19 at 12:40 The man page for cp says this about the -a option: Same as -pPR options.

By 10.2 or 3, the regular cp copied resource forks with no problem. I’m sure your recommendation to use ditto instead of cp is a good one, but cp has preserved resource forks for over a decade.

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