Final decision 論文

1.0.2 since 1998.9.4. 決裁支援システム、決裁支援方法、決裁支援プログラム並びに記録媒 … Many translated example sentences containing "make the final decision" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations. 酒井 聡樹(東北大学大学院理学研究科生物学教室) 2000.1.28. ver. The current status of your manuscript indicates that your paper is with the editor, and he/she is evaluating your manuscript to arrive at a decision.

[Br.] The fnal decision on a manuscript can be either acceptance with major or minor revisions or rejection. Die Entscheidung des Gerichts ist endgü The judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. タイトルも全く変えて、またもやBBRCに投稿した。 今度は5日で返事が来た。 メールのタイトルは "Final decision"(final answerではない) The ME or AE (Associate Editor) can only make a recommendation to the EiC, but the decision can be communicated only after the EiC approves, irrespective of whether it is an acceptance, rejection, or a revise-and-resubmit. 論文審査のプロセス. Die Entscheidung des Gerichts ist endgültig. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "make the final decision" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. Translator. Look up … Über den Wettbewerb wird keine Korrespondenz geführt. to make a final decision (about sth.) Open menu. (etw. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. 決裁支援システム、決裁支援方法、決裁支援プログラム並びに記録媒 … final decision support system, final decision support method, final decision support program, and recording medium 例文帳に追加. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.gamesInternet The judges' decision is final. Decision making processes may vary across journals, but generally speaking, for papers that are sent out for review, the final decision is usually taken by the EiC. Decision making processes may vary across journals, but generally speaking, for papers that are sent out for review, the final decision is usually taken by the EiC. Everything hinges on the final decision. first decisionとfinal decision ... 論文投稿後の「判定中(decision in process)」の意味とは? Dr.Eddyのお悩み相談:論文の審査状況は変わっていないのに、投稿論文の状況報告日が定期的に変更されている … Akk.) Find descriptive alternatives for final decision. Examples of final decision in a sentence, how to use it. deutsche … to take a final decision [Br.] Synonyms for final decision at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions.

論文投稿後の「判定中(decision in process)」の意味とは? Dr.Eddyのお悩み相談:論文の審査状況は変わっていないのに、投稿論文の状況報告日が定期的に変更されているのはなぜ? Under Editor Evaluationとはどういう状態をさしていますか。 20 examples: The final decision is then made at a general meeting of the community members… 一切取決于最后的決定。 The final decision to proceed was not a maniacal eruption of irrationality as the uproar afterward sought to imply .



采取行動的最后決定并不象事后人們喧囂一時力圖暗示的那樣,是一個失去理性的狂人的一時沖動。 What you have heard … . EN. “Final decision” does not necessarily mean rejection. その後、その論文はリバイズとなって年末に再投稿。 返事を待ってる間に、先にりじぇくとされた論文、一部データを改めて.

games The judges' decision is final.

abschließend entscheiden The court's decision is final. final adj 1: occurring at or forming an end or termination; "his concluding words came as a surprise"; "the final chapter"; "the last days of the dinosaurs"; "terminal leave" [syn: , , , ] 2: conclusive in a process or progression; "the final answer"; "a last resort"; "the net result" [syn: , , ] 3: not to be altered or undone; "the judge's decision is final"; "the arbiter will have the last say" [syn: , ] n 1: the final match between … abschließend entscheiden: law The court's decision is final. (11) Without prejudice to the collective responsibility of the Management Board and the final decision-making responsibility of the bodies of subsidiaries and affiliated companies and taking into account the respective legal and regulatory requirements, LRC sets limits for the risks of the Business Divisions and monitors compliance with these limits on a regular and timely basis.

final decision support system, final decision support method, final decision support program, and recording medium 例文帳に追加. 今朝昨年度所属した病院で取り組んでいた研究論文のアクセプトの連絡が入りました。文面は下記の通りのあっさりしたものです。いつもアクセプトのたびに思いますが、必死に必死に書き上げた論文なのでもう少しお祝いしてほしいものです。 07-Oct-2017Dear Dr. :It is a pleasure to accept your manuscript entitled "題名" in its current form for publication in Journal of . to take a final decision [Br.] Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee.

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